A weather guarantee
for your trip
Your WeatherPromise
Get a full refund of your trip costs if it rains more than guaranteed.

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a global insurance company, publicly listed on NASDAQ.
to protect your experiences. Our data sources:

We analyze many years of historical data to assess the probability of rain on your trip and give you an offer that balances good protection with a reasonable price. That means that in rainier areas and seasons, we might expect a bit more rain and the offer might be more expensive than in dryer ones.
During your trip, we measure the number of hours it rained. That means, we count all hours with more than 1.5 millimeter or 0.06 inches of rain per hour (between the start and end times for your offer). In that case, it doesn't matter whether it's light rain or a downpour, if it rains at least that amount, then that hour counts as 'rainy'.
We are here to help
Get in touch with us: support@weatherpromise.com (opens in new window)